Senin, 19 Desember 2011


Formula untuk Present Continuous Tense atau Present Progressive Tense adalah:
Subject +  (is/am/are)  + (Verb1+ing) + Object + Modifier

Kegunaan Present Continous Tense

1.       Present continous tense digunakan untuk tindakan-tindakan yang sedang terjadi saat ini.

Contoh :
§  We are studying English.
§  She is watching TV now.
§  He is listening to the music.
§  I am discussing English with my colleagues now.
§  They are playing football.
§  The kids are playing games.
§  I am sitting down, because I am tired.
§  Lina walking in the park with her  friend.
§  Maulina is using a laptop.
§  Lina is watching a movie.

2.       Present continous tense digunakan untuk proses-proses yang terjadi di sekitar waktu sekarang.

Contoh :
§  It is raining today.
§  I am working in Solo this month.
§  The world is turning.
§  It is going to winter.
§  Lina writing a novel this year.
§  I am living in Solo for the time being.
§  I am learning English at present.
§  Linna is studying really hard for her exams this week.
§  I am reading a really interesting book now.
§  We are not working hard these days.

3.       Present continous tense digunakan untuk tindakan/kebiasaan yang berulang.

Contoh :
§  I am getting up early this week.
§  Lina is always coming late.
§  My grand mother always leaving their dirty plates after eating.
§  I am waiting you in here, always ...
§  I am always loving you.
§  They reading newspaper every morning.
§  Music has certain role completing our day to day activities.
§  I am learning English everyday.
§  God saving our lives.
§  I am feeling you in my heart.

4.       Present continous tense digunakan untuk rencana-rencana di masa mendatang yang sudah pasti waktunya.

Contoh :
§  I am going to campus at 8.40 tomorrow.
§  She is coming to my house this evening.
§  Lina is watching a movie with Rizky tonight.
§  I am meeting a friend tonight.
§  She is getting married net month.
§  Lina is flying to Korea tomorrow.
§  I am seeing my boyfriend on Wednesday.
§  We are going on holiday next week.
§  We are visiting him on Monday.
§  Lina is coming for dinner tonight.

1 komentar:

  1. Hai kak lina,, isinya bagus baget blog ini, ulasannya sederhana tapi mengena. Posting lagi yang banyak ya kak, nanti aku mampir lagi deh.. :)
