Senin, 19 Desember 2011


Formula untuk Present Continuous Tense atau Present Progressive Tense adalah:
Subject +  (is/am/are)  + (Verb1+ing) + Object + Modifier

Kegunaan Present Continous Tense

1.       Present continous tense digunakan untuk tindakan-tindakan yang sedang terjadi saat ini.

Contoh :
§  We are studying English.
§  She is watching TV now.
§  He is listening to the music.
§  I am discussing English with my colleagues now.
§  They are playing football.
§  The kids are playing games.
§  I am sitting down, because I am tired.
§  Lina walking in the park with her  friend.
§  Maulina is using a laptop.
§  Lina is watching a movie.

2.       Present continous tense digunakan untuk proses-proses yang terjadi di sekitar waktu sekarang.

Contoh :
§  It is raining today.
§  I am working in Solo this month.
§  The world is turning.
§  It is going to winter.
§  Lina writing a novel this year.
§  I am living in Solo for the time being.
§  I am learning English at present.
§  Linna is studying really hard for her exams this week.
§  I am reading a really interesting book now.
§  We are not working hard these days.

3.       Present continous tense digunakan untuk tindakan/kebiasaan yang berulang.

Contoh :
§  I am getting up early this week.
§  Lina is always coming late.
§  My grand mother always leaving their dirty plates after eating.
§  I am waiting you in here, always ...
§  I am always loving you.
§  They reading newspaper every morning.
§  Music has certain role completing our day to day activities.
§  I am learning English everyday.
§  God saving our lives.
§  I am feeling you in my heart.

4.       Present continous tense digunakan untuk rencana-rencana di masa mendatang yang sudah pasti waktunya.

Contoh :
§  I am going to campus at 8.40 tomorrow.
§  She is coming to my house this evening.
§  Lina is watching a movie with Rizky tonight.
§  I am meeting a friend tonight.
§  She is getting married net month.
§  Lina is flying to Korea tomorrow.
§  I am seeing my boyfriend on Wednesday.
§  We are going on holiday next week.
§  We are visiting him on Monday.
§  Lina is coming for dinner tonight.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

             FUNGSI DAN CONTOH 
              MAY DAN MUST


Kata kerja bantu yang berarti "boleh/mungkin" yang digunakan untuk menyatakan:

1. Permohonan izin (asking permission)


1.   May I borrow your motorcycle?
2.   May I go home now?
3.   May I know your name?
4.   May I read this book?
5.   May I use your komputer?
6.   May she go with me tonight?
7.   May I drive this car?
8.   May I see the picture now?
9.   May we visit you tomorrow?
10. May we join the meeting ?

2. Permohonan atau harapan.


1.       May you both the happy.
2.       May God bless you.
3.       May you get success in your future.
4.       May God be with you.
5.       May the new year bring you happiness.
6.       May you do the best.

3. Kemungkinan berdasar fenomena yg ada (possibility)

Contoh :     
  1.  It may rain today
  2. He may come after Desember. 
  3. Lina may be late again.
  4. Lina is absent today, she may be sick.
  5. She looks so sad after seeing the announcement, she may fail in her  exam.
  6. My father may be angry if he came home from the office and didn’t find   us in the living room.
  7. He may come late this morning.

4. Giving permission

Contoh : 
  1. You may come to my home although without bringing any parcel.
  2.  He may take his hat in the livingroom.
  3. You may leave the room.
  4. They may join the meeting.
  5.  You may borrow my dictionary.
  6. You may ride your own motorcycle on the street.


Kata kerja bantu yang berarti harus atau wajib, digunakan untuk menyatakan:

1. Keharusan/mesti.


          1.   You must go now. 
          2.   I must do my homework soon.
          3.   She must study hard.
          4.   The students must study regularly.
          5.   We must hear shoes in the meeting hall.
          6.   It is a must for us to struggle hard.
          7.   You must read this book.
          8.   She must go to school today.
          9.   You must come to here at 7 tomorrow.
         10.  You must study for exam tomorrow.

2. Must not (musn't) menunjukkan (berarti) larangan atau tidak boleh.


          1.   You must not smoke in the class.
          2.   Susan musn’t go there alone.
          3.   The students of MUEC musn’t wear slippers when they join the class. 
          4.   She musn’t do that.
          5.   You musn’t go without me.
          6.   I musn’t do it.

     3. Conclusion

     Contoh :

           1.   She has been in England for many years. She speak English fluently.
           2.   Rio is from Indonesian. She must speak English well.
           3.   Lina can play piano well. She must practice a lot.
           4.   Mr.Amir has many companies. He must be rich.
           5.   His house is empty. He must go to school.
           6.   The man stays at MUEC. He has 3 chlidren. He must be Mr.Bro.
           7.   The colour is white. The taste is sweet. It must be sugar.
           8.   Last night I met him, he looked so happy. He must have gotten a job.