Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011


                    Noun        What is a Noun?

noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn.

                                      Types of Nouns
1. Proper Nouns and Common Nouns
You always write a proper noun with a capital letter, since the noun represents the name of a specific person, place, or thing. The names of days of the week, months, historical documents, institutions, organisations, religions, their holy texts and their adherents are proper nouns. A proper noun is the opposite of a common noun.
    Example :
·         Many people dread Monday mornings.
·         Beltane is celebrated on the first of May.                
·         My favourite auntie is Auntie Linna.
·         Riska likes to dance.
·         The Tower of London.

common noun is a noun referring to a person, place, or thing in a general sense -- usually, you should write it with a capital letter only when it begins a sentence. A common noun is the opposite of a proper noun.

  •   I put the book on the table
  •   According to the sign, the nearest town is 60 miles away.
  •   I am cutting paper now.
  •   He leaved his country last year.
  •   Tree here are very shady.

2.  Concrete Nouns and Abstract Nouns
concrete noun is a noun which names anything (or anyone) that you can perceive through your physical senses: touch, sight, taste, hearing, or smell. A concrete noun is the opposite of a abstract noun.
An abstract noun is a noun which names anything which you can notperceive through your five physical senses, and is the opposite of a concrete noun.
Example :
§  This book is very interesting. (concrete noun)
§  Amir most like the apple fruit. (concrete noun)
§  Lina is a beautiful and sweet lady. (abstract noun)
§  Lina's hobby is shopping. (abstract noun)
§  Friendship beetwen Lina and Afni is true friendship.   (abstract noun)

3.  Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns
               A countable noun(or count noun) is a noun with both a singular and a plural form, and it names anything (or anyone) that you can count. You can make a countable noun plural and attach it to a plural verb in a sentence. Countable nouns are the opposite of non-countable nouns and collective nouns.
     A non-countable noun (or mass noun) is a noun which does not have a plural form, and which refers to something that you could (or would) not usually count. A non-countable noun always takes a singular verb in a sentence. Non-countable nouns are similar to collective nouns, and are the opposite of countable nouns.
Example :
·         We painted the table red and the chairs blue. (countable noun)
·         I’m going out for five minutes. (countable noun)
·         I love music. (uncountable noun)
·         I have two brothers, Amir and Husna. (countable noun)
·         Would you like some coffe? (uncountable noun)

collective noun is a noun naming a group of things, animals, or persons. You could count the individual members of the group, but you usually think of the group as a whole is generally as one unit. You need to be able to recognise collective nouns in order to maintain subject-verb agreement. A collective noun is similar to a non-countable noun, and is roughly the opposite of a countable noun.
Example :
§  My boyfriend of a boy band.
§  Matic community today held touring to Yogya.
§  The jury disagree aboutn the guilt of the accused.
§  Every afternoon the baseball team follows its coach out to the hot field for practise.
§  Today, Dr.Amir’s class takes its first 100-item exam.

What is an Adverb?

  is a descriptive word that describes or modifies, as grammarians put it a verb, an adjective o
r another adverb.

Kinds of Adverbs
Adverb of Manner (keterangan cara)
Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually placed after the main verb or after the object.
·      He swims well(after the main verb)
·      He ran... rapidly, slowly, quickly..
·      She spoke... softly, loudly, aggressively..
·      James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
·      He plays the flute beautifully. (after the object)
·      He ate the chocolate cake greedily.
Adverbs of Place (keterangan tempat)
Adverbs of Place tell us the place where something happens. They answer the question "where?". Adverbs of Place mainly modify verbs.
after the main verb:
·      I looked everywhere
·      John looked away, up, down, around...
·      I'm going home, out, back
·      Come in
after the object:
·      They built a house nearby
·      She took the child outside
Adverbs of  Time (keterangan waktu)
Adverbs of Time tell us something about the time that something happens. Adverbs of Time mainly modify verbs.
They can answer the question "when?":
·      He came yesterday. (When did he come?)
·      want it now. (When do I want it?)
Or they can answer the question "how often?":
·      They deliver the newspaper daily. (How often do they deliver the newspaper?)
·      We sometimes watch a movie. (How often do we watch a movie?)
Adverbs of Degree (keterangan tingkatan)
Adverbs of Degree tell us the degree or extent to which something happens. They answer the question "how much?" or "to what degree?". Adverbs of Degree can modify verbsadjectives and other adverbs.
Common adverbs of degree:
Almost, nearly, quite, just, too, enough, hardly, scarcely, completely, very, extremely.
§  Lina is very beautiful.
§  I am too tired to go out tonight.
§  He hardly noticed what she was saying.
§  They don't have enough food.
§  The coffee was too hot for me.
Adverb of Certainty (keterangan kepastian)
These adverbs express how certain or sure we feel about an action or event.
Common adverbs of certainty:
certainlydefinitely, probably, undoubtedly, surely
§  He definitely left the house this morning.
§  He is probably in the park.
§  He has certainly forgotten the meeting.
§  He will probably remember tomorrow.
§  Undoubtedly, Winston Churchill was a great politician.
§  Surely you've got a bicycle?

    What is a Verb?

A verb is a word used primarily to indicate a type of action, such as to fly or to wish, though it may also be used to indicate a general state of existence, such as to live.
                                                     Types of Verb
1. Transitive Verb
Example :
·         He teaches English
·         She set the book on the table
·         He raised the window
·         She laid the coat on the chair
·         The speaker presented a new idea
2. Intransitive Verb
Example :
·         They read books
·         He plays the piano
·         I drive a car
·         He sits in the front row
·         He lay in bed all day
3.  Linking Verb
Example :
·         Linna is beautiful
·         The cake tastes  good
·         I  feel  bad
·         Amir is a student
·         It was I that suggested it              

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